Executive Board
and Committees
Executive Board
As of September 2023
President: Carol Weston
Vice-President: Peter Boyd
Member-At-Large: Marvin Pritchard
Past President: Pat Whalen
Director of Assessment (DOA): Scott Slocum
Director of Instruction (DOI): Bruce Allen
Secretary / Treasurer: Joe Gonillo
Northern Assignor: Frank Martel
Southern Assignor: Eric Evans
Examining/New Officials Clinics: Eric Evans, Frank Martel, Scott Slocum
Fees & Dues: TBA
Nominating: Pat Whalen and Carol Weston
Grievance: Bruce Schmidt (Chair), Randy Dewey, Chris Buckley, Keith Collins, TBA
Scholarship: Mike Kinsler (Chair), Jamie Falco
If you feel you cannot serve, contact your chair ASAP so a replacement can be added.
Reminder: you must be active in VSOA to serve. Thank you for your service!